Bollywood power couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, who tied the knot in April 2022, joyfully welcomed their first child, a baby girl named Raha Kapoor, in November of the same year. Since introducing Raha to the public and paparazzi, she has quickly become one of the most adored star kids in the industry.
Recent speculations suggest that the couple might be considering registering their newly acquired bungalow in their daughter Raha’s name.
A throwback video has surfaced, capturing a heartwarming moment between Alia Bhatt, her mother Soni Razdan, and the eager paparazzi. In the video, as Alia and her mother Soni Razdan step out of their car to pose for the photographers, one of the paparazzi can be heard congratulating the actress and commenting, “Naam bahut accha hai.” To which Alia responded with a smile, saying, “Bahut accha hai.”
Taking to social media to share the significance behind her baby girl’s name, Alia penned a heartfelt post, “The name Raha (chosen by her wise and wonderful Dadi) has so many beautiful meanings… Raha, in its purest form means divine path in Swahili she is Joy, In Sanskrit, Raha is a clan, In Bangla – rest, comfort, relief, in Arabic peace, it also means happiness, freedom & bliss. And true to her name, from the first moment we held her – we felt it ALL! Thank you Raha, for bringing our family to life, it feels as though our lives have only just begun.” The accompanying photo featured Raha being lovingly cradled in her parents’ arms, with a Barca jersey in the background already bearing her name.
On a related note, Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, and Alia Bhatt were recently spotted at the construction site of Krishna Raj Bunglaow in Bandra.
The couple’s joy and pride in their new bundle of joy are palpable, and fans are eagerly awaiting more glimpses of little Raha as she grows.