The much-anticipated film ‘Savi: A Bloody Housewife’, featuring Anil Kapoor and Divya Khossla, is gearing up for the release of its teaser. Directed by Abhinay Deo, the movie also stars Harshvardhan Rane in a prominent role. T-Series Films recently teased fans with a motion poster on their official Instagram handle, hinting at the intriguing storyline. The poster, showcasing a hand transitioning from holding a grocery bag to wielding a gun, carries the message “Sometimes appearances can be deceiving! Teaser out on 6th May. #SaviABloodyHousewife in cinemas 31st May, 2024.” The teaser is scheduled to drop on May 6, while the film is slated for a cinematic release on May 31, 2024. Additionally, Anil Kapoor is set to appear in the action-drama ‘Subedaar’, directed by Suresh Triveni, known for his work in ‘Tumhari Sulu’ and ‘Jalsa’. Produced by Vikram Malhotra, Suresh Triveni, and Anil Kapoor, ‘Subedaar’ promises an adrenaline-fueled narrative of a retired army officer navigating through personal and societal challenges.