In a recent development, Bollywood veteran Anil Kapoor, who recently celebrated his 67th birthday, is set to showcase the allure of Dubai in a new travel show titled ‘Once Upon A Trip! To Dubai,’ alongside co-host Maniesh Paul. The dynamic duo will embark on a captivating road trip through the city, capturing its aesthetic charm and exploring various iconic locations.
The journey includes thrilling activities such as the Edge Walk Dubai, leisurely strolls in Al Fahidi, engaging in a Padel game, and indulging in the luxurious experience at Atlantis The Royal. The unscripted show reaches its culmination with a special guest appearance by Emirati singer Arqam Al Abri.
Expressing his thoughts on the project, Anil Kapoor shared, “Working on ‘Once Upon A Trip! To Dubai’ has been a journey of rediscovery, both of the incredible city of Dubai and within myself. More than a project, it was a journey of the heart. Whenever I have explored Dubai, I have not only just encountered stories; I discovered pieces of myself in every corner.”
Kapoor continued, emphasizing the authenticity of the experience, “There’s a raw and real quality to this experience, so different from the scripted roles I’m used to. It’s about forming genuine connections, embracing laughter, and the unexpected surprises along the way. This show particularly has allowed me to see Dubai with a sense of wonder and authenticity. My hope is that it will inspire our audience to appreciate the beauty of Dubai and the magic inherent in the real-life adventures that I shared with Maniesh.”
Directed by Satyajit Kadam, the show unfolds against the picturesque landscapes of Dubai, providing a stunning backdrop for the spontaneous road trip and creating a unique narrative that transcends typical travel shows.
Maniesh Paul also chimed in, stating, “‘Once Upon A Trip! To Dubai’ was an adventure like no other, blending my love for traveling with the uncharted wonders of Dubai. Each day was a new adventure in this magnificent city uncovering a new sense of wonder and joy. ‘Once Upon A Trip! To Dubai’ brought out an authentic joy and spontaneity that was refreshingly real. The streets of Dubai aren’t just backdrops; they’re alive with stories and unexpected turns, much like my own journey that I shared with AK.”
He concluded by expressing his hope for the audience to find joy and surprise in watching the travel show, mirroring the joy he experienced in creating it.