Veteran Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor, renowned for his versatile roles, recently shared insights into his deep-rooted connection with the South Indian film industry, particularly expressing his longstanding desire to work in Tamil films. In an exclusive interview, Kapoor fondly reminisced about his memories in Chennai and interactions with iconic Tamil film stars like Rajinikanth.
Reflecting on his cinematic journey, Kapoor acknowledged his foray into Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam films but expressed surprise at not yet receiving an opportunity in Tamil cinema. The actor conveyed his openness to collaborations with directors of varying experience levels, emphasizing his willingness to pursue projects that align with compelling narratives and the right team.
Notably, Kapoor revealed his proactive approach in seeking roles, recounting instances where he approached filmmakers for projects that caught his interest. Citing examples such as the Hindi adaptation of Shankar’s “Mudhalvan” (Nayak) and K Viswanath’s Hindi version of “Swathi Muthyam,” Kapoor highlighted the success of these films despite not being initially considered for the roles.
The actor credited Tamil films, particularly those written by the legendary K Bhagyaraj, for laying the foundation of his career. Movies such as “Woh 7 Din” (Andha 7 Naatkal), “Beta” (Enga Chinna Raasa), and “Mohabbat” (Thooral Ninnu Pochhu) played a pivotal role in shaping Kapoor’s trajectory. He also acknowledged the influence of Ilaiyaraaja’s music in “Virasat” and reminisced about cherished moments spent in Chennai studios.
Kapoor shared memories of his camaraderie with filmmaker Balu Mahendra and highlighted his close bond with the late SP Balasubrahmanyam, expressing admiration for the legendary singer’s talent and humility. He emphasized the valuable lessons he learned about staying grounded and down-to-earth from SP Balasubrahmanyam.
Addressing the recent controversy surrounding his film “Animal,” Kapoor expressed a seasoned perspective, noting that creative endeavors often elicit both agreement and disagreement. He emphasized the importance of enjoying success, learning from the past, and focusing on the future.
In conclusion, Anil Kapoor’s interview provides a glimpse into his illustrious career, his deep connections with the Tamil film industry, and his enduring passion for diverse and meaningful cinematic experiences.