Actor Arjun Kapoor took to social media on Mother’s Day to share a heartfelt message, honoring his late mother, Mona Shourie Kapoor, and urging everyone not to take their parents for granted. Posting an emotional video, Arjun emphasized the importance of expressing love and appreciation for parents, particularly on days like Mother’s Day, which can be tough for those who have lost their mothers or are separated from them.
In the video, Arjun spoke candidly about the significance of cherishing the presence of parents and not taking them for granted. Reflecting on his own experience of losing his mother twelve years ago, he urged people to show love, respect, and care towards their parents while they are still around.
Arjun Kapoor, who is currently filming for Rohit Shetty’s upcoming movie “Singham Again,” also shared insights into his role as an antagonist in the film. Scheduled for a theatrical release in August 2024, the movie boasts a star-studded cast including Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Deepika Padukone, Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff, and Ranveer Singh, marking the third installment of the popular “Singham” franchise.
Arjun’s poignant message on Mother’s Day resonated with many, serving as a reminder to appreciate and cherish the love and sacrifices of parents.