In a poignant turn of events, the revered South Indian actor Vijayakanth, who passed away on December 30, has continued to receive posthumous tributes from his fellow cinema stars. Despite being unable to attend the legendary actor’s funeral due to a severe hand injury that had kept him confined to his home for the past few months, Arun Vijay made a heartfelt visit to Vijayakanth’s grave on the evening of January 4.
Sharing his sentiments with the press and media, Arun Vijay expressed deep admiration for Vijayakanth, acknowledging the irreplaceable void left by the veteran actor in the industry. Despite missing the funeral, Arun Vijay recounted his fond memories of interacting with Vijayakanth during a film shoot and highlighted the guidance he received from the late actor. The actor revealed that he had aspired to perform stunts akin to Vijayakanth’s when he entered the film industry.
Praising the late actor’s efforts, Arun Vijay pledged to uphold Vijayakanth’s principles and even committed to providing the same quality of food for everyone on the film set, mirroring the practices of the respected actor. In a symbolic gesture, Arun Vijay endorsed the idea of naming the Nadigar Sangam after Vijayakanth, recognizing the infinite contributions the late actor made to the association.
Looking ahead, Arun Vijay is set to grace the big screens in ‘Mission: Chapter 1,’ directed by AL Vijay, with the film scheduled for release on January 12, just in time for Pongal. As the industry continues to mourn the loss of Vijayakanth, these heartfelt tributes serve as a poignant reminder of the lasting impact the legendary actor had on his peers and the world of South Indian cinema.