In a surprising turn of events, Premgi Amaren, the renowned figure in Tamil cinema celebrated for his versatile talents in acting and music, has announced his impending marriage at the age of 44. Despite a history of reported relationships and previous weddings, the multi-talented artist took to social media to confirm the exciting news, ushering in the New Year with the revelation.
“Happy New Year! This year, I am getting married. Dot,” shared Premgi Amaren, sparking widespread speculation about the details of his upcoming nuptials.
Social media has been buzzing with reports suggesting that Premgi Amaren’s forthcoming marriage is a result of a love affair, with singer Vinaita Sivakumar identified as the actor’s bride-to-be. The 44-year-old Premgi and 22-year-old Vinaita are rumored to have been in a relationship for the past few years. Notably, Vinaita’s Valentine’s Day post in 2022 on social media seemed to confirm their romantic involvement, as she shared a heartfelt message alongside a picture of the couple.
While an official announcement regarding Premgi Amaren and Vinaita is anticipated soon, it is worth mentioning that Vinaita Sivakumar is recognized for her contributions to Tamil music, with a few Hindi songs to her credit.
On the professional front, Premgi Amaren is set to appear in the upcoming film ‘G.O.A.T.,’ where he shares the screen with Vijay in a significant role. The movie is directed by his elder brother, Venkat Prabhu. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.