In a significant development, renowned Pakistani singer Atif Aslam is set to make his Malayalam film debut in “Haal,” starring Shane Nigam. The news was confirmed by Nigam himself, who expressed his excitement about collaborating with Aslam. Nigam revealed that he is particularly fond of Aslam’s rendition for the film’s song, expressing his admiration for the singer’s past hits such as “Aadat” and “Woh Lamhe.”
The song, composed by debutant Nandagopan V with lyrics by Mridul Meer and Neeraj Kumar, has already garnered attention, with Nigam expressing his addiction to it. Aslam reportedly recorded the song in a studio abroad, and sources suggest that a popular female singer will also feature in the track.
This project marks Aslam’s return to the Indian film industry after a hiatus of nearly seven years, following the Supreme Court’s decision to lift the ban on Pakistani artists working in India.
Directed by Prasanth Vijayakumar and scripted by Nishad Koya, “Haal” is touted as one of Shane Nigam’s ambitious ventures, with plans for a multi-lingual release in Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada. Filming is set to commence in Kozhikode, with additional locations including Mysore and Jordan. Shane Nigam is expected to join the project after wrapping up his commitments for the Tamil film “Madraskaran.”