In a heartwarming festive update, renowned actress and self-taught baker Nussrat reveals her cherished Christmas traditions and plans for the upcoming holiday season. Embracing the spirit of giving, Nussrat not only bakes personalized cakes for her loved ones but also spreads joy as a secret Santa, ensuring smiles for those who need it the most.
Nussrat, who honed her baking skills through online tutorials, expresses the joy of sending homemade cakes as Christmas gifts to family and friends. The actress, known for her roles in Zulfiqar, reminisces about her childhood Christmas memories, including visits to New Market and the enchanting decorations of Park Street.
A significant highlight of Nussrat’s festive preparations is the elaborate Christmas party she hosts at home, complete with a towering Christmas tree adorned with vibrant ornaments. The actress, along with her kids, engages in the delightful activity of creating a snowy atmosphere using cotton, adding a playful touch to the celebration.
Nussrat’s commitment to the festive season extends to dressing up her younger son as Santa Claus, a heartwarming tradition that lights up their home. The entire family, including their pets Bruce and Blue, joins in the Christmas cheer by donning festive red outfits.
As part of her annual tradition, Nussrat generously plays secret Santa, aiming to bring happiness to others during the holiday season. The actress emphasizes the joyous spirit of giving, expressing hopes that more people will embrace the role of secret Santa to spread Christmas cheer.
Cakes and cookies take center stage in Nussrat’s Christmas celebrations, adding a sweet note to the festivities. The actress shares her recipe for a delectable Butter Choco Marble Cake, inviting enthusiasts to recreate the magic in their own kitchens.
Nussrat’s festive fervor extends beyond the culinary delights, as she fondly recalls her father’s playful reminder to be nice throughout the year to stay in Santa’s good books. Despite the revelation about Santa not being real during her seventh-grade years, Nussrat cherishes the enchantment and magic associated with Christmas.
As the holiday season approaches, Nussrat looks forward to creating more cherished memories, hosting festive gatherings, and continuing her tradition of being a secret Santa, all while savoring the joy of family time and the magic of Christmas.