In the latest suspense-thriller “Grey Games,” actors Vijay Raghavendra, Bhavvana Rao, Ishita Singh, Shruti Prakash, and Jai take center stage, exploring the dark side of online gaming and the metaverse. Directed by Gangadhar Salimath and produced by Dees Films, the film delves deep into the adverse effects of virtual worlds on human emotions.
Producer Anand Mugad emphasizes the film’s focus on the fusion of reality and virtuality, underscoring the seamless blending of these worlds in people’s minds. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, the creators have crafted an immersive experience for viewers, offering two virtual games as part of the narrative.
Mugad praises the stellar performances of the cast, particularly highlighting Vijay Raghavendra’s portrayal of a psychologist, Jai’s depiction of a gamer, Bhavvana’s role as a cop, and Shruti’s portrayal of a celebrity. Director Gangadhar’s attention to detail is lauded, as he weaves a compelling story that keeps audiences captivated throughout.