In a recent interview with Film Companion, Bobby Deol, renowned for his role in “Animal,” addressed speculations about his sons, Aryaman and Dharm, entering the Bollywood film industry. The actor emphasized the importance of mastering Hindi before stepping into Hindi films, stating that proficiency in the language is crucial for aspiring actors.
During the conversation, Bobby shared that when he encounters young individuals aspiring to join the film industry, he advises them to be well-prepared. Drawing from his own experience with his sons, he highlighted the significance of improving Hindi language skills. Despite acknowledging the prevalence of English in conversations, Bobby emphasized that mastering Hindi allows actors to focus solely on portraying characters without being hindered by language barriers.
Bobby Deol reiterated his stance that his sons would enter the film industry at an opportune time. He clarified that Aryaman and Dharm are currently in the early stages of their training and are expected to make their foray into Bollywood within the next 3-4 years. The actor expressed confidence in their preparation and stressed the importance of patience in their journey into the world of cinema.