In just six days, fans of acclaimed actor Mammootty will witness the much-anticipated release of the horror drama “Bramayugam.” The promotional campaign for the Malayalam thriller has taken a creative turn, with Mammootty himself unveiling a captivating poster on his official Twitter handle. The visual showcases the number ‘6’ cleverly crafted from the fumes of an ancient lamp, building anticipation for the film’s global release on February 15.
Directed by Rahul Sadasivan, “Bramayugam” stands out by adopting a black-and-white format, promising a unique cinematic experience. The film’s plot, centered around Mana, ventures beyond conventional horror tropes, embodying a commitment to deliver a fresh and engaging narrative. Mammootty, known for his versatile performances, takes on the role of the antagonist, adding an intriguing layer to the storyline. Sharing the screen with him is Arjun Ashokan, portraying the hero and promising a powerful on-screen dynamic between the two talented actors.
The promotional strategy, exemplified by the innovative poster design and the choice of black-and-white cinematography, underscores the filmmakers’ dedication to offering a distinct horror experience. As the countdown to the release continues, audiences are eagerly anticipating “Bramayugam” for its promising blend of creativity, suspense, and stellar performances.