In a delightful Christmas Eve celebration, Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan took to Instagram to share glimpses of her festive moments with her parents, Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh. The trio celebrated Christmas in London, and Sara expressed her heartfelt disappointment at the absence of her brother, Ibrahim Ali Khan, from the festivities.
Sharing the joyous moments on her Instagram account, Sara captioned the post with a sweet message dedicated to her brother: “Missed my Baby Brother (or not so baby…) Thank you, Santa, for this Merry merry Christmas @iak. I wish you were here to have pecan pie and celebrate and spread Christmas joy and cheer… And then eat black cod individually with the OG two, who to us are extremely dear. But for now, these pics I share.”
The pictures showcased Sara hugging her mother and captured the genuine bond between Saif Ali Khan and his daughter. Despite the absence of Ibrahim, the family celebrated the holiday with love and warmth.
Sara Ali Khan, known for her stellar performances, shared details about her upcoming project, ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan,’ where she portrays the role of a freedom fighter named ‘Usha Mehta.’ The film is based on true events and promises to narrate a compelling story.
In other news, Sara’s father, Saif Ali Khan, and veteran actress Sharmila Tagore are set to make an appearance on Karan Johar’s talk show, ‘Koffee with Karan.’ A recently released promo video showcased Saif in a black suit and Sharmila in a floral black saree. Karan humorously remarked on Saif’s expression, to which Saif quipped, “As I often am on this couch.” The episode promises entertaining revelations, with Sharmila sharing anecdotes about Saif’s college days.
As fans eagerly anticipate this star-studded episode, Sara Ali Khan continues to spread the Christmas cheer during her ‘merry’ vacation with her mother, Amrita Singh, creating memorable moments with her family.