The cricket season is in full swing, and amidst the fervor of the stadium, a recent viral video featuring Rishab Shetty has caught everyone’s attention. The video showcases Rishab’s Kantara-themed screenplay, emphasizing the name change of the Bengaluru team.
In a nod to his Shiva avatar from his film Kantara, Rishab is captured alongside buffaloes, using local Kundapura slang in his dialogues. Due to his busy schedule with “Kantara Chapter 1” gearing up to start filming soon, Rishab couldn’t travel to Bengaluru to shoot the video. Instead, he opted to shoot it in his hometown of Kundapura.
Rishab reminisced about his past as an avid cricket player during his school and college days, revealing, “Even today, I have a cricket kit in the boot of my car and take to playing the game whenever I get time off from work.”
Interestingly, the entire video was filmed in a gadde (paddy field) in under three hours. “It’s the same field where we did our rehearsals for Kantara, and the team which helped me prepare for my role also assisted in shooting this video. I enjoyed planning this out as both cricket and cinema are two of my greatest loves,” Rishab shared.