In a recent episode of ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show,’ Bollywood icons Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol opened up about their journey in the film industry, sharing personal and professional anecdotes. Sunny Deol became emotional as he reflected on the challenges the Deol family faced while striving to regain their foothold in Bollywood. Despite doubts surrounding the success of ‘Gadar 2,’ Sunny expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and love received from audiences, which propelled the film to unexpected heights. He credited the audience’s unwavering affection for their family for the success of ‘Gadar 2’ and Bobby Deol’s acclaimed role in ‘Animal.’ Dharmendra’s film ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ also garnered praise, marking a triumphant return for the Deol family in the Indian film industry.