In a global theatrical release spanning over 1600 screens, Dhanush’s much-anticipated film ‘Captain Miller’ debuted on January 12. The pan-Indian drama, showcasing a period storyline, kicked off with early morning shows outside of Tamil Nadu. The first-day-first-show (FDFS) screenings in Dhanush’s home state commenced at 9 AM, greeted by an enthusiastic reception from fans who eagerly welcomed the popular actor.
Social media platforms, including Twitter users such as @PollathavanMeme, @Nn84Naganatha, @akshaynalendran, @Ronyoaldo, @AadeshDhanush, @One_man_show17, @itsKingAppu, @viperbravo45, and @Ram_MS_89, were abuzz with reactions from fans expressing their excitement about ‘Captain Miller.’
According to netizens, Dhanush delivered an outstanding performance that lived up to expectations, shining throughout the film from its introduction to the climax. The first half, characterized by its rawness, captivated the audience, setting a promising tone. Shiva Rajkumar’s entry into the film was a delight for fans, and his on-screen chemistry with Dhanush was well-received. GV Prakash Kumar’s musical contribution, particularly the film’s background score, received praise for adding intensity to the big screen experience.
The film’s solid first half, coupled with an even more engaging second half, garnered positive reviews, indicating a promising box office outcome for ‘Captain Miller.’
Adding to the excitement, ‘Captain Miller’ faced competition at the box office with simultaneous releases of Sivakarthikeyan’s ‘Ayalaan’ and Arun Vijay’s ‘Mission: Chapter 1’ during the festive Pongal season. The three-way battle among these Tamil movies is anticipated to unfold in the coming days as audiences flock to cinemas for their Pongal movie choices.