Actor-musician Diljit Dosanjh, who is set to star in the upcoming film ‘Chamkila’, recently shared his inspiration from watching Ranbir Kapoor’s iconic film ‘Rockstar’. In a candid interview with Film Companion, Diljit opened up about the deep connection between art and pain. He confessed that despite his efforts, he could not find any pain or troubles in his life that could match the level of ‘Pagalpan’ depicted in the film.
“I am an artist, I have been working hard from the start, but how will I reach that level of ‘pagalpan?'” Diljit pondered. He further elaborated that after watching “Rockstar” and being deeply inspired by Ranbir Kapoor’s performance, he tried to find pain in his life but was unsuccessful. However, this did not deter him, and he decided to continue his artistic journey without relying on pain as a source of inspiration.
Directed by Imtiaz Ali, ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ tells the story of the legendary Punjabi artist renowned for his electrifying live performances during the 1980s. The film features Diljit Dosanjh in the lead role and Parineeti Chopra as his on-screen wife, Amarjot Kaur. Audiences can look forward to the film’s premiere on April 12.