On November 26, 2021, the Punjabi entertainment industry mourned the loss of the highly talented and beloved actor, Kaka Kautki, leaving an irreplaceable void. Director Jagdeep Sidhu, among those who still cherish the memory of the late actor, recently took to his social media platform to share a heartfelt tribute.
Sharing a picture of Kaka from the film ‘Lekh,’ Jagdeep Sidhu revealed that every time he embarks on crafting a new story, he finds himself yearning for Kaka’s presence. In his post, he expressed the sentiment that every tale he weaves misses the late actor dearly.
Jagdeep Sidhu also shared a poignant regret, recalling a moment when he mistakenly conveyed to Kaka that his time in the industry had concluded, not realizing that the actor’s journey had just begun.
The entire post by Jagdeep Sidhu reads, “Jido v koi navi kahani sochni shuru karda har waar ek kirdaar aap chal ke mang da aa ‘mainu kaka laya ke de’… meri har kahani tenu taras di aa kalakaara… te apne kahe oh shabada te gussa karda ‘tera packup ho gaya baai’… massa taan waari aayi c patandra.. apni waari chhad ke koi thode janda hunda.. @Kaka_Kautki aaj fer teri yaad aayi bhai.”
Kaka Kautki, whose last cinematic contribution was in Jagdeep Sidhu’s ‘Lekh,’ succumbed to a heart attack in 2021. Following his passing, several unreleased films featuring the late actor were unveiled, each serving as a tribute to his exceptional talent.