In a recent development, Hollywood stars Lisa Bonet and Jason Momoa have officially decided to bring an end to their six-year marriage. The 56-year-old Cosby Show actress formally filed for divorce from the 44-year-old Aquaman actor, marking the culmination of their union. This decision comes approximately two years after the couple publicly announced their separation.
According to court documents obtained by People, Lisa cited ‘irreconcilable differences’ as the grounds for divorce in the filing. Notably, the listed date of separation aligns with their wedding anniversary on October 7, 2020.
In the legal filing, Lisa has requested joint physical and legal custody of their two children – 16-year-old daughter Lola and 15-year-old son Nakoa-Wolf. The documents indicate the separation date as October 2020, more than a year before their public announcement. The divorce process is expected to take a minimum of six months before a judge officially declares their divorce.
Interestingly, Lisa has opted not to seek spousal support in the ongoing divorce proceedings. It’s worth noting that while this was Momoa’s first marriage, Bonet was previously married to musician Lenny Kravitz, with whom she shares a daughter, actor Zoë Kravitz.
The high-profile couple, who discreetly began dating in 2005, managed to keep their marriage a secret until 2017, surprising fans with their 12-year journey from romance to matrimony.