In a private ceremony held on January 5 in Mumbai, actress Shirin Kanchwala, renowned for her roles in films like “Dikkiloona” and “Nenjamundu Nermaiyundu Odu Raja,” announced her engagement to businessman Azhar Mun. The couple, who first connected through mutual friends a few months ago, shared their excitement about embarking on this new chapter together.
Reflecting on the engagement, Shirin expressed her joy, stating, “It was beautiful, and I’m very excited to start this new journey with Azhar.” She also spoke warmly about Azhar and his family, revealing their support for her career in the film industry. “Azhar and his family want me to do more movies. He motivates and encourages me,” she shared. “He even tells his friends, clients, and business partners to watch my movies. His mom is more than excited to come with me for shoots.”
Despite the joyful occasion, the couple has yet to finalize a date for their wedding. Shirin mentioned, “The marriage date hasn’t been decided yet.” As fans eagerly await further details, the couple seems to be enjoying the early stages of their engagement, filled with love and support from each other and their families.