Director Mudassar Aziz of the upcoming comedy-drama ‘Khel Khel Mein’ has addressed the anticipated box-office clash with ‘Stree 2,’ starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao. Emphasizing the importance of collaboration for the industry’s success, especially during festive weekends, Aziz stated, “We are all part of Hindi cinema. A festive weekend is coming, and I don’t view it as us against them. That’s not how I see this.”
‘Khel Khel Mein,’ featuring Akshay Kumar, Ammy Virk, Vaani Kapoor, Taapsee Pannu, Fardeen Khan, Aditya Seal, and Pragya Jaiswal, is set to release on August 15, the same day as ‘Stree 2.’ Speaking at the trailer launch event at PVR Juhu in Mumbai on Friday, Aziz expressed his admiration for ‘Stree 2’ director Amar Kaushik and stressed the importance of mutual success. “I love Amar Kaushik and have great respect for his work. I want both our films to do well. I want Hindi films to do well. We have to work hard enough to make our industry prosper. When a festive weekend like that comes, we should come and ask our audiences to join us,” he said.
The trailer of ‘Khel Khel Mein’ concludes with a shout-out to ‘Stree 2,’ featuring the tagline “Stree aur Purush dono dekhein.” Commenting on this, Aziz added, “I gave them a shout-out. If you see the last slate of my trailer, it says, ‘Stree aur Purush dono dekhein’. It’s my way of calling out to Amar and saying, let’s have a great weekend at the box office. Let’s all do well because that’s what Hindi cinema needs.”
With its stellar cast and a storyline that blends quirky humor with relatable emotions, ‘Khel Khel Mein’ aims to redefine the genre and captivate audiences of all ages. The film, a T-Series Film, Wakaoo Films, and KKM Film production, is directed by Mudassar Aziz and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Vipul D. Shah, Ashwin Varde, Rajesh Bahl, Shashikant Sinha, and Ajay Rai. ‘Khel Khel Mein’ will be released on August 15.