The recently released film ‘Do Aur Do Pyaar’, starring Vidya Balan, Pratik Gandhi, Ileana D’Cruz, and Sendhil Ramamurthy, hit the theatres on April 19. On its opening day in India, the film managed to collect Rs 55 lakh nett. According to reports from, the movie has now amassed a total of approximately Rs 1.4 crore nett within just two days of its release.
On Saturday, the film recorded a Hindi occupancy rate of 13.72%. Notably, Chennai saw the highest occupancy rate at 40%.
‘Do Aur Do Pyaar’ tells the story of Kavya (Vidya) and Ani (Pratik), a couple on the brink of separation who become entangled in extramarital affairs. However, a twist of fate alters the course of their relationship. The movie, described as a relationship drama, has garnered positive reviews from critics.
The film faced competition at the box office from Ekta Kapoor’s ‘LSD 2: Love, Sex Aur Dhokha 2’.