In a recent revelation, Elisabeth Moss shared insights into the dynamics behind the scenes of the acclaimed 1999 film “Girl, Interrupted.” Moss, who portrayed Polly Clark in the Oscar-winning drama alongside Winona Ryder, Angelina Jolie, and Brittany Murphy, disclosed that the cast became naturally divided off-camera due to the on-screen tension between characters.
Speaking on Kelly Ripa’s Let’s Talk Off Camera podcast, Moss disclosed the existence of two distinct camps within the cast – one aligned with Winona Ryder and the other with Angelina Jolie. According to Moss, these divisions were primarily based on the dynamics captured on camera.
“I was in the Winona Ryder camp. The Angelina Jolie camp was really cool. I was intimidated by the Angelina Jolie camp. I had no thoughts of ever being able to be in that camp,” Moss revealed.
Despite acknowledging Jolie’s congeniality and talent, Moss admitted feeling “incredibly intimidated” while on set with her. Reflecting on the experience, Moss confessed to never discussing her feelings directly with Jolie, speculating that Jolie likely wouldn’t recall the dynamics she perceived.
“I never brought it up. I’m sure she would have no idea what I was talking about anyway,” Moss stated. “I was just definitely not cool enough to be in her camp.”