In a compelling narrative unveiled at the Tribeca Festival, Elizabeth Banks showcases her acting prowess in “A Mistake,” a gripping medical drama set in New Zealand. Directed and penned by Christine Jeffs, the film delves into the life of Elizabeth Taylor, a skilled surgeon whose routine operation takes a disastrous turn, leading her into a whirlwind of self-doubt and moral questioning.
Based on Carl Shuken’s 2019 bestseller, “A Mistake” presents a stark portrayal of Taylor’s struggles following an unexpected error during surgery. As she grapples with the aftermath, tensions rise in her personal and professional life, unraveling a web of consequences that challenge her sense of morality.
Banks delivers a captivating performance as Taylor, supported by a talented cast including Simon McBurney, Mickey Sumner, and Rena Owen. Jeffs’ measured screenplay and direction offer a slow-burning exploration of human tragedy and its far-reaching impacts.
While not an easy watch, “A Mistake” shines a spotlight on the complexities of human error and accountability, earning praise for its exceptional acting and nuanced storytelling. With its gripping narrative and stellar performances, the film leaves a lasting impression on audiences.
Produced by Jeffs and Matthew Metcalfe, “A Mistake” marks a standout feature at the Tribeca Festival, offering a thought-provoking cinematic experience that lingers long after the credits roll.