In a remarkable debut venture, producer Ravi Kasturi has turned his long-held movie aspirations into reality, marking his entry into the Tollywood film industry. Having harbored his cinematic dreams since college, Kasturi is elated to collaborate with fellow alumni Geetanand (lead actor) and director Dhayanandh for the much-anticipated film “Game On.”
Reflecting on his journey, Kasturi expressed, “Movies have always piqued my interest. Geetanand, director Dhayanandh, and I studied in the same college, and we’ve wanted to make a film together ever since. After 10 to 12 years, we’re finally putting our plan into action.”
The star-studded cast of “Game On” includes Geetanand, Neha Solanki, Madhubala, Aditya Menon, Subhalekha Sudhakar Vasanthi, and Kiriti, promising an engaging cinematic experience. Scheduled for release on February 2, the film is described by Kasturi as a “real-time physiological thriller with a blend of action and emotions,” boasting a raw and rustic ambiance that adds to its gripping nature.
Despite facing challenges, Kasturi’s unwavering determination propelled him forward. “Starting something new is never easy. I founded my production house, Kasturi Creations, in 2021 and began working on the script. Then the lockdown happened,” he recalled. “Balancing my business in Australia with my movie projects was the toughest part. Yet, I persevered. This experience will guide me in my future productions. I’m proud of what we’ve achieved. ‘Game On’ is the content audiences are looking for,” asserted Kasturi.
The debutant producer’s journey from conceptualizing his dream in college to navigating challenges during the pandemic highlights the resilience and passion that define the making of “Game On.” Set against the backdrop of a real-time physiological thriller, the film is poised to captivate audiences with its unique blend of action and emotion when it hits screens on February 2.