In a recent exclusive conversation with ETimes, Neha Nazneen Shakil, the lead actress of the upcoming Malayalam film ‘Qalb,’ opened up about her journey into acting and her experience working on the debut feature. Born in Kerala to an IAS officer, Neha’s childhood involved frequent relocations, exposing her to diverse cultures worldwide.
The actress, who describes herself as “born in Kerala, raised around the world,” shared insights into her inspiration for becoming an actor. She credits her exposure to different people and cultures during her formative years as a key influence. Neha revealed that her interest in Sufi music, showcased through Instagram videos, caught the attention of the ‘Qalb’ team, leading to her audition and subsequent selection for the female lead role.
Neha portrays the character of Thumbi, a reserved girl from an orthodox family with dreams confined to her room. She finds herself drawn to the carefree and energetic Calpo, played by co-actor Ranjith Sajeev, who opens her eyes to a world beyond her perceived limitations. The film delves into the Sufi philosophy of the 7 stages of love, with the director, Sajid Yahiya, introducing an 8th stage, exploring various forms of love beyond romantic connections.
The actress expressed her enthusiasm for the emotional depth of her character and the opportunity to showcase different emotional extremes as a newcomer. The film’s promos suggest a romantic entertainer with a profound exploration of love and relationships.
Sharing her experience of shooting for ‘Qalb,’ Neha highlighted the contagious energy on set, filled with young actors and technicians. She fondly recalled sitting on the beach, sipping Sulaimani, and singing songs with Sidhique Ikka as a cherished memory from the 100-day shoot.
‘Qalb’ is not just a romantic drama but a musical extravaganza with over 13 songs and seven smaller tracks. Neha praised the musical geniuses behind the film’s music – Prakash Alex, Vimal Nazer, and Nihal Sadiq. The film is set for release on January 12 and has already generated anticipation with a clean ‘U’ certificate.