In a recent Instagram story, Kangana Ranaut, known for her role in “Queen,” offered a glimpse into her home temple situated in her Manali residence. The video showcases a traditional hand-painted door leading to a serene setting adorned with various Hindu deities. Kangana expressed her admiration for the vintage door from Kanishka @lalji_handicrafts, stating, “My home temple in Manali looks divine.”
Despite being one of the industry’s finest actresses, Kangana Ranaut’s cinematic ventures in 2023, including “Tejas” and “Chandramukhi 2,” failed to create substantial buzz at the box office. Reflecting on the year’s end, the National Award-winning actress shared her 2023 learnings on social media. She expressed feelings of happiness, contentment, and peace, noting her journey from feeling out of place to acknowledging that “life is just a fleeting phase.”
Taking to Twitter, Kangana shared her perspective: “We must recognize that and never try to be at home. Ever since I acknowledged that I felt at home. This was my learning of 2023.” Offering advice to those who feel displaced, she said, “If you too feel out of place and it seems to you that you don’t belong anywhere, remember you are on your way home.”
Looking ahead, Kangana Ranaut is set to feature in her directorial venture, “Emergency,” where she will portray the role of Indira Gandhi. Originally slated for a 2023 release, the film has been postponed to 2024.