In a bold move, actress Priyanka Thimmesh has announced her foray into the horror genre with her upcoming film, “Kuteera.” Set to be directed by Anup Antony and featuring Thimmesh alongside Komal, the actress expresses her readiness to step out of her comfort zone for this venture.
Known for keeping audiences on the edge of their seats, Thimmesh shares her intrigue about the horror genre, citing recent favorites such as “Shh!” and “Truth or Dare.” She appreciates these films for their ability to create suspense and evoke fear, qualities that have inspired her to take on a new challenge.
Thimmesh sheds light on the unique demands of horror films, emphasizing the need for precise expressions and body language when often acting against a green screen and reacting to unseen elements. Undeterred by the daunting nature of such performances, she shares her preparation strategy, which involves watching horror films and studying other actors’ approaches.
In her upcoming film, Thimmesh takes on the role of Madonna, a stylish Anglo-Indian woman with a surprising and playful side. Teasing a dramatic transformation in the film’s second half, she expresses her captivation with the script’s fresh narrative. Eager to commence filming in March, Thimmesh looks forward to collaborating with the creative team and bringing this unique character to life on the big screen.