The highly anticipated mega-budget film “Kanguva,” starring Suriya, is set for a grand theatrical release this October. Directed by Siruthai Siva, the film has generated significant buzz, with its narrative intricately connecting the present with events from 500 years ago. In a special treat for fans, the much-awaited trailer was unveiled earlier today (August 12) to mark director Siruthai Siva’s birthday, quickly capturing widespread attention.
As fans meticulously analyze the trailer, they’ve uncovered some intriguing details that have only heightened their anticipation. A major talking point is the brief appearance of Suriya’s brother, Karthi, in the final moments of the trailer, leading to speculation about a potential mega face-off between the two actors in the film. Adding to the excitement is the powerful background score by Devi Sri Prasad, which has already made a lasting impression.
“Kanguva” is being hailed as a magnum opus, promising an extraordinary visual spectacle this Dussehra. Suriya’s dedication to his role in this period drama has left fans thoroughly impressed, with many praising the trailer as a masterpiece. The film, which is perfectly positioned to make a significant impact at the box office, is set to release on October 10.
The film is expected to be a high-octane action drama, with Siruthai Siva’s direction and Suriya’s performance standing out as the main attractions. “Kanguva” also features an ensemble cast, including Bobby Deol, Disha Patani, Natty, Kovai Sarala, and Yogi Babu. The film will be released in multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi.