Suriya’s 2016 Tamil film ’24’ recently marked its 8th anniversary, prompting fans to reminisce about the movie’s impact on social media. Directed by Vikram Kumar, the sci-fi drama saw Suriya in a triple role, with AR Rahman providing the musical score. However, fans were quick to point out a glaring omission in the film – the absence of the popular song “Punnagaye” from the soundtrack, sung by Haricharan Sesh and Shashaa Tirupati.
The exclusion of “Punnagaye” left fans disappointed, with many considering it a significant oversight by director Vikram Kumar. They have since urged the director and producers to release the song’s video, which has remained unseen since the film’s release.
In ’24’, Suriya’s portrayal of both protagonist and antagonist received acclaim, particularly his role as the villain, Athreya, which is hailed as one of Tamil cinema’s best antagonists. Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Nithya Menen, and Saranya Ponvannan also featured prominently in the film’s cast.
Despite positive reviews, ’24’ fell short of breaking box office records, with some attributing its lack of commercial success to a missing “X factor.”