In a much-anticipated reunion, Bollywood star Ajay Devgn is set to return as IRS Officer Amay Patnaik in the sequel to the successful film ‘Raid’. Teaming up once again with director Rajkumar Gupta, the shooting for ‘Raid 2’ has officially commenced in Mumbai on December 6. The film’s production house, taking to Instagram, made a significant announcement, revealing that audiences can expect the gripping sequel to hit theaters on November 15, 2024.
The storyline of ‘Raid 2’ is expected to unfold across various locations, with the team planning shoots in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan following the Mumbai schedule. This film franchise, which sheds light on the often overlooked heroes of the Income Tax Department, promises another compelling true case in its upcoming installment.
Ajay Devgn, reprising his role as IRS Officer Amay Patnaik, is gearing up for intense drama and suspense in ‘Raid 2’. The first film in the series, ‘Raid’, released in 2018, emerged as a dual success, receiving acclaim both at the box office and from critics. Set in the early 1980s against the backdrop of Lucknow, the inaugural film narrated the true story of the longest raid in history, with actress Ileana D’Cruz playing a pivotal role. As the second chapter unfolds, fans can anticipate another thrilling exploration of untold stories within the workings of the Income Tax Department.