The much-anticipated first motion poster of the upcoming film ‘Machante Malakha’ was unveiled by its makers on March 31, offering fans a glimpse into the movie’s lighthearted ambiance. Directed by Boban Samuel, the film features Soubin Shahir, Dhyan Sreenivasan, and Namitha Pramod in prominent roles. In a departure from his usual characters, Shahir is seen portraying a KSRTC bus conductor in the film’s first look, sparking excitement among fans.
Set against the scenic backdrop of Annamanada, Mulanthuruthy, Mala, and surrounding areas, ‘Machante Malakha’ promises to be a visual treat for audiences. The screenplay, penned by Ajeesh P Thomas with a story by Jexson Antony, lays the foundation for what is expected to be an engaging comedy drama.
The film boasts an impressive cast, including Vineeth Thattil, Shanthi Krishna, Manoj K U, and Dileesh Pothen, raising expectations for stellar performances. Renowned composer Ouseppachan is in charge of the film’s soundtracks, while Vivek Menon’s cinematography captures the scenic beauty with finesse.
Fans are eagerly anticipating the chemistry between the talented actors Soubin Shahir and Dhyan Sreenivasan, who are collaborating for the first time. Shahir is currently riding high on the success of his recently released survival thriller film ‘Manjummel Boys,’ which has received positive reviews and performed well at the box office.