Celebrated actor Nani, last seen in ‘Hi Nana,’ marks his birthday today, and the makers of his upcoming film ‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’ have unveiled the first glimpse of the movie. Directed by Vivek Athreya, the action-packed teaser portrays Nani as a young man with a fiery temper and a penchant for destruction.
In the teaser, SJ Suryah provides a perspective on Nani’s character, suggesting a role as a cop opposite Nani. The teaser hints at Nani’s character being a headstrong individual who follows his own rules, especially when consumed by anger. Notably, the teaser indicates that Nani’s character goes on a rampage only on Saturdays, lending significance to the film’s title.
Taking to social media, the production house shared the teaser with a birthday wish for Nani, stating, “Happy Birthday Brother… @nameisnani ..Here’s our MASS treat for all… #SaripodhaaSanivaaramGlimpse.”
‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’ features Nani, SJ Suryah, and Priyanka Arul Mojan in lead roles. The film is set to be released in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi.