Renowned Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan recently shared insights into the acquisition and transformation of his lavish residence, Mannat, during a book launch event. Reflecting on the purchase, Khan disclosed that initially, the property exceeded their financial means. Originating from Delhi, where spacious bungalows were commonplace, Khan and his wife, Gauri, were taken aback by Mumbai’s steep real estate prices.
Initially, the couple resided in a house adjacent to the Taj Hotel, generously provided by a director friend. Despite financial constraints, they harbored dreams of owning their own home. Khan emphasized the challenges they faced in purchasing and renovating Mannat, describing it as a laborious process.
The actor disclosed that after acquiring the property, they had to rebuild it due to its dilapidated state. With limited funds, they struggled to furnish the house and couldn’t afford the services of a professional designer. Instead, Khan suggested that Gauri take on the role of designing the house, which marked the beginning of her successful career in interior design.
Over the years, the couple gradually furnished Mannat with their earnings, making incremental additions to the property. Khan shared anecdotes of their resourcefulness, such as purchasing leather for the sofa during a trip to South Africa with their modest savings.
Despite the challenges, Khan acknowledged that the experience was instrumental in honing Gauri’s design skills, as she gradually began designing everything they acquired.
Expressing his fondness for Mannat, Khan highlighted his library as his favorite space, which also serves as his office. Despite not having read many of the books in a while, he finds solace in the quiet, electronics-free environment, which exudes intellect and sophistication.