In a significant milestone, the survival thriller ‘Manjummel Boys’ has officially surpassed the Rs 100 crore mark in worldwide box office collections. Currently in its 13th day of screening on March 5, the film, directed by Chidambaram, features an ensemble cast including Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Ganapathi S. Poduval, and Lal Jr., among others.
Chidambaram, the director, took to his social media platform to share a special poster celebrating the achievement, declaring it the “Fastest 100 crore worldwide gross in the history of Mollywood.” Expressing gratitude, he wrote, “A big thanks to all our audience across the world.”
This accomplishment places ‘Manjummel Boys’ in contention to surpass the record set by Tovino Thomas’ ‘2018: Everyone is a Hero,’ currently holding the title for the highest-grossing Malayalam film of all time.
Inspired by a real-life incident involving a group of young individuals on vacation, the film has garnered praise for its unique narrative. Chidambaram’s storytelling prowess has been lauded, with the film offering a refreshing take on the survival genre in the Malayalam industry.
On its 12th day at the box office, the survival thriller approached the coveted Rs 100 crore mark, building anticipation for an imminent achievement.
In a review, our critic awarded ‘Manjummel Boys’ a commendable 4 out of 5 rating, describing it as more than a typical friendship film with survival elements. Praising the film’s visual appeal, writing, characterization, editing, and performances, the review emphasized the director’s exceptional job in capturing the authenticity of the setting and characters. The film was hailed as a valuable addition to the survival film genre in Malayalam cinema, with its replay value being a notable highlight.