In a surprising turn of events, Teja Sajja’s latest fantasy drama film, ‘Hanu Man,’ is grappling with a challenging situation at the Kerala box office, having amassed a mere Rs 43 lakhs in a span of nine days. Despite its commendable success in other states and globally, the film appears to be struggling to resonate with the Kerala audience, marking a potential setback for the project.
According to reports from Forum Keralam, a prominent Twitter forum, ‘Hanu Man,’ directed by Prashanth Varma, is facing a lukewarm reception in Kerala, where it falls short of expectations. Despite receiving rave reviews and achieving blockbuster status elsewhere, the film’s lackluster performance in the Kerala market has led to a disappointing total gross of 43 lakhs. Speculations indicate that the film may be heading towards a disastrous outcome in the state.
Directed by Prashanth Varma, ‘Hanu Man’ narrates the story of Hanumanthu, who attains the powers of Hanuman in a distant village and becomes embroiled in a battle for Anjanadri. Set in the fictional village of Anjanadri, the film seamlessly blends elements of fantasy and drama. Notably, ‘Hanu Man’ serves as the inaugural installment of the Prashanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU), with a subsequent film titled ‘Adhira’ slated to follow.
On a contrasting note, Dhanush’s ‘Captain Miller’ is making waves at the Kerala box office, having raked in an impressive sum of more than Rs 5 crores from the state.