In a heartwarming turn of events, renowned filmmakers Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach officially exchanged vows in a private ceremony at City Hall, marking the joyous culmination of their 12-year journey together. The esteemed 40-year-old director of ‘Barbie’ and the 54-year-old mastermind behind ‘Marriage Story’ radiated happiness as they shared the news backstage at Billy Joel’s concert at Madison Square Garden.
The couple’s happiness was palpable, with an insider revealing that they were “glowing and celebrating” during the event. Greta Gerwig, resembling a radiant bride, chose a white suit skirt and jacket, while Noah Baumbach looked dashing in his suit attire. The low-key City Hall wedding aligns with their private and down-to-earth approach to their relationship.
The newlyweds, who embarked on their romantic journey in 2011 and became engaged in 2020, are now parents to two sons born in March 2019 and February 2023. Additionally, Noah Baumbach shares a 13-year-old son named Rohmer with his ex-wife, Jennifer Jason Leigh.
Notably, Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach have not only shared their lives but also collaborated professionally on various film projects. Their joint efforts include co-writing the screenplays for critically acclaimed films such as ‘Frances Ha’ and ‘Mistress America,’ with their latest collaboration being the highly anticipated ‘Barbie.’ As congratulations pour in for the newlyweds, Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach join the ranks of celebrity couples who have chosen to embark on the journey of matrimony in the year 2023.