In a cinematic triumph marking the beginning of 2024, Prashanth Varma’s ‘Hanu Man’ has emerged as the year’s inaugural blockbuster, featuring Teja Sajja, a dynamic Telugu actor. The film not only clinched the title of the first smash hit of the year but is also on track to surpass the Rs 250 crore mark globally. The success of ‘Hanu Man’ has taken Varma by surprise, considering his initial perception of the project as a modest Telugu film with no anticipation of its massive impact.
Varma’s superhero venture had its roots in his long-standing aspiration to create a film in this genre. While financial constraints initially hindered his plans, the success of his 2021 project, ‘Zombie Reddy,’ provided the necessary momentum. Having hinted at his interest in crafting a superhero narrative grounded in Indian history in his earlier works, Varma aimed to establish a series of superhero films inspired by Indian itihaas (history).
In an exclusive interview with Indian Express, Varma delved into the phenomenal box office performance of ‘Hanu Man.’ He acknowledged the influence of SS Rajamouli’s 2022 blockbuster ‘RRR’ and discussed his upcoming project, ‘Jai Hanuman,’ a sequel to ‘Hanu Man’ that expands his cinematic universe.
Addressing the visual effects in the movie, Varma highlighted a scene featuring Teja Sajja alongside a cheetah, reminiscent of Jr. NTR’s tiger race scene in ‘RRR.’ Despite the visual similarities, Varma clarified that it wasn’t a direct inspiration from ‘RRR.’ However, due to issues with the visual effects, this scene was eventually excluded from the final cut. Varma expressed his intent to re-release ‘Hanu Man’ with enhanced visual effects to garner global acclaim similar to that of ‘RRR.’
Additionally, Varma expressed his enthusiasm for ‘Kantara,’ directed by Rishab Shetty, applauding its theme of belief. He revealed that he had approached Shetty for a role in ‘Hanu Man’ but scheduling conflicts prevented their collaboration. Nevertheless, Varma remains optimistic about future opportunities with Shetty.
Reflecting on the unexpected popularity of ‘Hanu Man’ across India, Varma drew parallels to the legend of Hanuman, who discovered his strength when it was revealed to him. Originally conceived as a modest regional film, ‘Hanu Man’ surpassed all expectations and resonated with audiences nationwide, evident in its release across 1600 theaters—four times the original Telugu release. Varma described the film’s overwhelming reception, particularly during its climax, marked by thunderous ovations and chants of “Jai Shri Ram” and “Jai Hanuman.”
The widespread acclaim ‘Hanu Man’ received surprised Varma, who modestly acknowledged the film’s unexpected success amid other blockbuster Telugu releases like ‘Guntur Kaaram,’ starring Mahesh Babu. Varma likened this reception to the responses garnered by timeless films such as ‘Mahanadi’ and ‘Baahubali,’ attributing the audience’s enthusiastic embrace of the film to its reception from the moment it was announced.