In an exciting turn of events, Girish AD’s directorial venture, ‘Premalu,’ featuring Naslen and Mamitha Baiju in the lead roles, hit the big screens on Friday, February 9. This teen rom-com has swiftly garnered a positive response from the audience, prompting an increase in screen count due to high demand.
The film, set in Hyderabad and directed by Girish AD, revolves around Sachin (played by Naslen), aiming to relocate to the UK after facing an academic setback. Meanwhile, Mamitha Baiju portrays Reenu, a novice IT professional who arrives in Hyderabad for a job opportunity. The storyline, coupled with well-executed situational comedies, has struck a chord with the audience.
The makers of ‘Premalu’ officially confirmed the addition of 41 more screens in Kerala to meet the soaring demand. Taking to social media, the team shared a note, saying, “Wishing you a very happy weekend with your loved ones. 41 more screens added today. Let’s Premalu. Book Now.”
As the film premiered during the Valentine’s season, it is expected to perform well at the box office, with positive word of mouth likely drawing a larger audience, especially over the weekend. The on-screen chemistry between Naslen and Mamitha Baiju has been a highlight, contributing to the film’s overall charm.