In a delightful turn of events, the ensemble cast of the highly anticipated film ‘Wonka,’ featuring A-listers such as Timothee Chalamet, Hugh Grant, Olivia Coleman, Calah Lane, Keegan-Michael Key, and Simon Farnaby, recently had the chance to savor the beloved Indian candy ‘Mango Bite,’ and their enthusiastic responses are causing a stir.
Warner Bros. India shared a video capturing the candid moments as the cast members, including Chalamet, Grant, Coleman, Lane, Key, and Farnaby, indulged in tasting the Indian confectionery.
Chalamet expressed his appreciation for the candy’s vibrant yellow and green packaging, while Coleman playfully likened it to a “little handbag.” After trying the treat, she couldn’t resist labeling it as her “favorite” and declaring it “yummy.”
Grant, after tasting the Mango Bite, nostalgically remarked, “I am liking this very much. It takes me back to Calcutta (Kolkata).”
Chalamet, echoing the sentiment, praised the last three candies, including Mango Bite, as a “home run,” and Keegan-Michael Key also expressed his love for the flavorful treat. When the interviewer mentioned the tradition of sharing such candies in school on birthdays, Key found it to be a “nice tradition.”
Adding a touch of humor, Simon Farnaby quipped, “On your birthday, you hand things out. On your birthday, you will lose all your sweets.”
‘Wonka,’ slated for release in 2023, is a musical fantasy film directed by Paul King, who co-wrote the screenplay with Simon Farnaby, based on a story by King. The film explores the origin story of Willy Wonka, the iconic character from Roald Dahl’s 1964 novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,’ shedding light on his early days as a chocolatier. This cinematic venture marks the third adaptation of Dahl’s book, following ‘Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory’ (1971) and ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ (2005).