In a much-anticipated courtroom drama, veteran actor Mohanlal is set to captivate audiences with his portrayal of Adv. Vijay Mohan in the upcoming film ‘Neru,’ directed by Jeethu Joseph. The acclaimed actor recently hinted at the possibility of a spin-off if the film proves successful at the box office.
In an interview with a media outlet, Mohanlal revealed that the filmmakers have concrete plans for a spin-off should ‘Neru’ receive a positive response from cinema-goers. The movie, featuring an ensemble cast including Sidhique, Priya Mani, Anaswara Rajan, Santhi Mayadevi, Jagadish, and Ganesh Kumar, promises to be an emotional courtroom saga, with a runtime of 151.59 minutes.
Penned by Santhi Mayadevi and Jeethu Joseph, ‘Neru’ narrates the compelling story of Sara, a visually impaired artist seeking justice after a traumatic experience. Scheduled for release on Thursday, December 21, the film has already generated buzz in pre-sales, raking in an impressive Rs 33.84 lakhs.
The cinematography for ‘Neru’ is handled by Satheesh Kurup, with editing by Vinayak VS and lyrics penned by Vinayak Sasikumar. Vishnu Shyam is credited with the film’s music, while Boban takes charge of production design, and Linta Jeethu contributes to costume design. Sinoy Joseph is responsible for the sound design.
The collaboration of Mohanlal and Jeethu Joseph, renowned for their success with the ‘Drishyam’ franchise, serves as a major selling point for ‘Neru,’ heightening anticipation among fans. As the release date approaches, the film is poised to make a significant impact, promising a gripping narrative and stellar performances.