In his latest directorial venture, “Amar Singh Chamkila,” Imtiaz Ali has captivated audiences with a poignant narrative, bolstered by the musical prowess of AR Rahman. Starring Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra, the film has resonated with viewers, drawing praise for its emotive depth and Rahman’s melodic compositions.
During a recent interview with Radio Nasha, Ali disclosed a remarkable anecdote about the genesis of the film’s emotional track, “Vida Karo.” Revealing Rahman’s spontaneous creativity, Ali shared how the acclaimed composer crafted the song at an unconventional hour, 2:30 am, evoking raw emotions that left studio attendees in tears.
Recalling the intimate studio session, Ali recounted Rahman’s impromptu composition, illuminated by candlelight for ambiance. As Rahman wove melodies reminiscent of classic Hindi cinema, lyricist Irshad Kamil penned poignant verses in a mere 45 minutes, capturing the essence of the film’s narrative.
Reflecting on the collaborative process, Ali emphasized Rahman’s profound impact and praised Arijit Singh’s rendition of “Vida Karo” for its sincerity and authenticity. In an era of digital manipulation, Singh’s unadulterated vocals resonated deeply, enriching the song with genuine emotion.
“Vida Karo” serves as a poignant farewell to the film’s protagonists, Chamkila and Amarjot, whose tragic demise underscores themes of societal prejudice and artistic resilience. Through Rahman’s evocative compositions and Singh’s heartfelt rendition, “Amar Singh Chamkila” transcends conventional storytelling, leaving an indelible mark on audiences worldwide.