Renowned TV star Thandav Ram is set to make his mark in the world of Kannada cinema with his upcoming venture, “Devanampriya,” directed by Bharath Navunda. Despite his extensive experience on the small screen with eight TV shows under his belt, Ram acknowledges the stark differences between television and film audiences.
“In my transition to the big screen, I recognize the challenge of appealing to a new audience,” states Ram. “The viewing habits between television and film audiences are vastly different. While TV viewers may not frequent cinemas, and vice versa, I approach this new project with the humility of a newcomer.”
Having previously appeared in the Kannada film “Abbabba,” Ram sees “Devanampriya” as his debut in a lead role. Reflecting on the variance in character development between TV and film, he notes, “TV shows allow for the gradual evolution of characters over months and years. In contrast, films demand a swift impact within a limited timeframe.”
In “Devanampriya,” Ram embraces the role of a progressive farmer in a narrative that explores the dynamics of a joint family in contemporary society. As he embarks on this cinematic journey, Ram eagerly anticipates the challenges and rewards of bringing his character to life on the silver screen.