Bollywood Newcomer Jinnie Jazz, set to make her silver screen debut alongside Rajpal Yadav in the upcoming film ‘Nameless,’ is eagerly anticipating her entry into the world of cinema. The actress, known for her roles in OTT series like ‘Love Guru,’ ‘Jhol Jhal,’ and ‘Pyar Ki Tadap,’ expresses enthusiasm about the challenging journey in the industry.
Reflecting on her experience working with veteran actor Rajpal Yadav, Jazz considers it a valuable learning opportunity that will contribute to her growth as an artist. She is determined to establish her presence in the film industry through hard work and dedication.
While Jinnie Jazz has yet to venture into television, she harbors a keen interest in reality shows. Expressing her desire, she mentions ‘Bigg Boss’ and ‘Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi’ as her favorites, citing the appeal of challenging oneself and stepping out of the comfort zone. Having followed ‘Bigg Boss’ for a decade, Jazz sees participating in the show as a dream come true, emphasizing the excitement of connecting with the industry and a broader audience.
Celebrating her birthday today, Jinnie Jazz, who is also a Christian, considers herself blessed to be born on Christmas Day, turning her birthday into a double celebration. The actress plans to attend mass at the church as part of her day’s ritual and later celebrate with her family in the evening. She believes birthdays should be dedicated to family time and expresses her birthday wish for the year—to secure an opportunity to participate in ‘Bigg Boss.’