Bollywood luminary Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, is poised to carry forward the family’s cinematic legacy with his debut in the film industry. The budding actor is set to make his first appearance in an upcoming OTT movie titled ‘Maharaj.’
While the release date for ‘Maharaj’ is yet to be disclosed, Junaid has swiftly transitioned to his next venture, embarking on a filming journey in Japan. Following the completion of a 50-day shoot for this as-yet-unnamed project, Junaid was seen returning home on a Sunday morning. Dressed casually, the emerging actor sported a cheerful demeanor and willingly posed for photographs.
The film in question is produced under the prestigious banner of Aamir Khan Productions. Despite facing unexpected challenges such as snowfall on the inaugural day of shooting in Sapporo, Japan, the team demonstrated resilience and determination, ensuring the project maintained its course.
Last October, Junaid concluded filming for the period epic ‘Maharaj,’ directed by Siddharth P Malhotra. The film is anticipated to hit OTT platforms later this year.