In an exciting development, Mollywood actor Kailash and South Indian actress Rutvi Patel are set to grace the silver screen with their dynamic performances in the upcoming lady-oriented action thriller, ‘Rakshasi.’ Scheduled for a theatrical release in March, the film delves into the captivating narrative of intelligent police officer Supriya, portrayed by Rutvi Patel, as she takes on the mission to transform her city into a secure haven.
Joining forces with actresses Preeti Goswami, known for her contributions to Bollywood and the Kannada film industry, the duo plays pivotal roles in this gripping tale directed and written by Tharadas. The film promises an exhilarating cinematic experience with its adrenaline-pumping storyline.
Under the direction and penmanship of Tharadas, ‘Rakshasi’ follows Supriya Ai’s newly charged character as she confronts the daunting challenge of tackling the drug mafia in the city. Her strategic and intelligent maneuvers prove to be a formidable force against the criminal underworld. However, the plot takes a compelling turn when a group, led by Ashwani Verma and Vishwam, enters the scene with an ambitious project to establish India’s largest shopping mall in the city.
Tharadas has curated a talented ensemble cast, including versatile actors like Preeti Goswami, Rutvi Patel, Kailash, Rafeeq Chokli, Vikram, Nishant, and others. ‘Rakshasi’ emerges as a captivating addition to the action-thriller genre, promising audiences an engaging and intense cinematic journey.