Bollywood luminary Kareena Kapoor Khan kicked off the New Year by sharing a heartwarming snapshot alongside her husband, Saif Ali Khan. Marking her first post of 2024, the actress opted for a cozy image of the couple snuggled up on a couch as they welcomed the New Year together. In the captured moment, Kareena, clad in colorful PJs, radiated charm alongside Saif, who sported a dapper look in a white dinner jacket. Adding a playful touch, Kareena donned statement sunglasses.
Accompanying the photo was Kareena’s caption, “In my PJ with my man in a Dj. As cheesy as it sounds, it was the best night ever… 2024. Spread joy and peace…Happy new year lovely people…” The actress also shared a glimpse on her Instagram stories, featuring Saif standing in the snow beside a snowman, with the caption, “My Snowman.”
Currently on a winter break with her family, Kareena has been treating her followers to snapshots from their getaway. A particularly notable image showcased her in a velvet sharara suit with a dewy makeup look, a red rose adorning her hair, and Saif in his white dinner jacket, alongside their sons Jeh and Taimur. The adorable expressions of the little ones quickly went viral, and Kareena captioned the picture, “Framed. 31-12-2023.”
Beyond her family escapades, Kareena is gearing up for her return to the silver screen in the upcoming film ‘The Crew,’ where she shares the spotlight with co-stars Kriti Sanon, Tabu, and Diljit Dosanjh. Additionally, audiences can anticipate her appearance in Rohit Shetty’s highly awaited project ‘Singham Again,’ featuring an ensemble cast, including Ajay Devgn, Deepika Padukone, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, and Tiger Shroff in pivotal roles.