During the trailer launch event of the highly anticipated film ‘Crew,’ featuring Kareena Kapoor, Tabu, and Kriti Sanon in lead roles, Kriti found herself pleasantly surprised as fans showered her with affection. Blushing, she admitted she hadn’t expected such adoration. However, when the spotlight turned to Kareena, fans expressed their love for her, to which she responded humorously, stating, “I don’t need the consolation prize, folks!” This lighthearted exchange between Kareena and her fans quickly gained traction on the internet.
Scheduled for release on March 29, ‘Crew’ marks the first collaboration of these three prominent actresses. The trailer, brimming with humor and laughter, has already captured the audience’s attention, showcasing the trio’s chemistry and comedic timing as they navigate the challenges faced by their airline on the brink of bankruptcy.
In the film, Kriti, Kareena, and Tabu portray air hostesses, bringing their infectious humor and sisterly bond to life amidst chaotic situations. Despite the obstacles, their camaraderie shines through, enriching the storyline.
Rhea Kapoor, one of the producers, hailed ‘Crew’ as her most ambitious project to date, commending the professionalism and talent of Tabu and Kareena. She praised their effortless performances, highlighting the ease with which they embody their roles.