Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, renowned figures in the entertainment and sports realms, made a surprising relationship announcement that eventually led to a star-studded wedding uniting Bollywood and cricket luminaries. The couple welcomed their first child, Vamika, on January 11, 2021, embarking on a new chapter in their lives. Adding to their joy, they welcomed their second child, a son named Akaay, on February 15, 2024. Reflecting on their journey, let’s revisit the nostalgic post when Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli introduced their daughter, Vamika, to the world.
Several years into their marital journey, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli embraced parenthood with the birth of their daughter, Vamika, on January 11, 2021. Eager to share this joyous moment with their dedicated fanbase, the couple unveiled an official post featuring a snapshot of their newborn. In this vintage Instagram update, the couple’s affectionate gaze towards baby Vamika was evident, with Anushka cradling her lovingly. The post served as the platform for the proud parents to reveal the name of their little one to the world.
Accompanying the endearing snapshot, the couple expressed, “Our journey has been defined by love, presence, and gratitude, but welcoming Vamika has elevated it beyond measure! In mere moments, we’ve felt the spectrum of emotions embracing a rollercoaster of emotions, from tears to laughter, moments of concern, and an overwhelming sense of pure bliss. While sleep remains a distant luxury, our hearts overflow with boundless joy. Grateful for the outpouring of well wishes, prayers, and positive vibes from all of you.”
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s announcement of their second pregnancy stirred widespread speculation, especially with Virat’s absence from the India Vs. England Test matches. Confirming the news, South African cricketer AB de Villiers illuminated the couple’s impending joy. The delight was palpable when Anushka and Virat joyously revealed the arrival of their son, Akaay, on February 15, 2024.
Sharing their happiness with the world, the couple penned a heartfelt message on social media, expressing, “Overflowing with joy and immense love, we’re thrilled to share that on February 15, our little boy, Akaay, joined our family as Vamika’s cherished brother! Your blessings and good wishes mean the world to us during this incredibly special time. We kindly request your understanding and respect for our privacy. With love and gratitude, Virat & Anushka.”