Actor R Madhavan, currently celebrating the success of his recent film ‘Shaitaan’, shared his concerns regarding the comparison of his son Vedaant to other star kids in the film industry amid the ongoing nepotism debate. Speaking on the YouTube podcast BeerBiceps hosted by Ranveer Allahbadia, Madhavan expressed his displeasure with the social media trend of comparing children and emphasized the hurt it may cause.
He acknowledged the viral memes and posts circulating on social media but clarified that he does not endorse them. Madhavan highlighted the challenges faced by his son due to his celebrity status, stating that even though Vedaant may not be the best in the country, he receives undue attention because of his lineage.
Madhavan emphasized that he and his wife Sarita Birje do not support the comparison of their son to other children in the industry and refuse to acknowledge such narratives. Despite Vedaant’s achievements as a swimmer, including winning multiple medals globally and setting national records, Madhavan underscored the difficulties faced by celebrity children in navigating public scrutiny.
In terms of his own career, Madhavan’s latest film ‘Shaitaan’ has garnered over Rs 100 crore at the global box office. Meanwhile, Vedaant continues to excel in swimming, recently clinching multiple gold and silver medals at the 48th Junior National Aquatics Championships and securing five gold medals for India at the Malaysian Open last year.